Asher Neiman Gallery



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Formerly located at
16 Monmouth Street
Red Bank, NJ 07701

Amy Cohen Banker

New York, NY

In Amy Cohen Banker’s new work, an unexpected tranquility of gesture replaces the heavily marked surfaces of her earlier work. A New York based artist, Banker explores the interplay of painting and poetry. Her canvasses, inscribed by traces of their making as well as by the erasure of marks, show the process of painting as a double of writing. Banker has exhibited extensively in NYC and internationally.

Amy Cohen Banker work in a variety of mediums: acrylic, oil, pastels, aquarelle, oil sticks, varnishes, glazes, and is extremely prolific. Her work changes and evolves dramatically from year to year. She explores the basic issues of opacity, color, form. She cannot help but be influenced by philosophy, poetry, literature, psychological symbolism, fairy tales, music, myths, conceits, and metaphors, especially of strong feminist models: women’s conflicting roles in a changing time throughout the centuries.

Her major themes are inner restoration and survival, always challenging reality vs. myth. Due to their woven strata, Amy Cohen Banker’s paintings elicit viewers to see and contemplate them up close. Inviting us to experience their tactility, Banker reminds us that color is always substance.

Banker’s canvases are not about the constitution of meaning, but about the construction of webs of reminiscences-they only imply, and never directly signify, the literary allusions of their titles.

Amy Cohen Banker's Curriculum Vitae...